Monday, February 22, 2016

Jr Jazz

Another year of Jr Jazz is finished. Whew! I am thankful my kids have opportunities to try different sports and learn some skills, but I'm always glad when the season is over and my Saturday mornings are my own again.
This year, Soren was in a group of 3rd/4th graders. It's always funnest to be in the older half of the kids. Then the next year, you go back to being with the boys who are a grade ahead and just a bit better at playing basketball than you are. I also really appreciated fathers who give of their time to help coach and teach the boys.
I don't know if Soren will play basketball past Jr Jazz, but I am happy he likes it and has fun playing. I would rather they play for fun, than feel pushed into playing to make a parent happy.
Soren-#5 in black

I took Charlie once and this is what he spent his time doing. Throwing/sliding toys on the bleachers. I don't know why they even want to come, since they never watch the games...

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