Friday, January 26, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday

Kassie's Personal Score Badge

Just trying to figure out this goal tracking thing.

I had a fairly good week in most areas, but not in getting to bed on time. I just seem to crave that quiet time at the end of the day for myself. I think this week I will set bedtime at 11:00 which is more doable for me.

I exercised three times, once for 1/2 hour and twice for 45 minutes. We recently upgraded our TV service and I find I'm really liking the FitTV channel. I have lots of different workouts to choose from and I'm not getting bored as quickly.

I bought some containers this week for organizing and reorganized the main toiletry shelf in the bathroom closet (got rid of lots of old stuff), revamped the 'junk' drawer in the kitchen and fought my way through my stack of receipts to get the check book up to date.

This feels really good, to actually be making some progress.

This week I will continue to exercise, hopefully for an hour a day, 3x.
I will get to bed by 11:00 pm
I will do three more organizational jobs.
And I'll add......morning prayer. I have a hard time getting that one in and I NEED it.


  1. I totally understand the craving of the quiet me time after the kids are in bed. It is so hard to give it up.

    Good luck on the exercise, going to bed and saying your morning prayers.

  2. Morning prayer would help all of us. I know that for myself I get going and realize that I didn't ask for help. Prayer really is a good thing.

  3. Good job on your goals this week! I love containers and I love organizing! Great job on your progress!!

    Good luck on your morning prayers this week!

  4. What a great goal! I also need to work on this one. Prayer is the glue key that opens the day and the lock that gaurds the night. Keep trying!

  5. It sounds like you have some really good goals and that you are doing pretty well.

    Good luck this week. Looking forward to hearing how your week goes.


  6. Sounds like you're doing great. Hope this week you are successful with the morning prayers. Good habit to have.

  7. FitTV sounds awesome! If I had cable I would definitely be watching it.

    You're doing such a good job with your goals! Have a great week!
