Saturday, January 13, 2007

Saturday, again?

Where did the week go? I can't seem to keep up with time anymore, I always feel like I'm chasing after it and never quite catching up.

Time for a SMART Saturday check-in....
Today I got all the game boxes in the hall closet labeled so that the kids can see what game they are grabbing instead of getting it out and opening it and realizing it's not the one they wanted. Good idea, yes?

I also joined the online verson of WW this week and I'm really enjoying the features it offers, such as being able to enter our normal recipes and having it calculate the points per serving for me. I am pleased to report that I have been very good and have recorded everything for going on 4 days now, and I have not gone over on points on any of those days. Of, course, it helps to have the extra nursing points, but I haven't even used all of them. I'm hoping for a small loss this next week at weigh in.

I got my hair cut on Friday and it's wonderful to have that long stuff gone. I'm such a short hair person. I took in a picture of Heidi Swapp(scrapbook celeb) and had the stylist try to imitate her cute do. Hallelujah! C even got his cut,too. He probably shouldnt' have hair longer than mine.....LOL!


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Good job on your WW!! I can never follow a diet! Keep up the good work!

  2. Good job on getting the games labeled and great job on staying within your WW points. I hope you have another successful week.

    I am glad you like your new hair cut!

  3. I agree the week went too fast. Congrats on joining ww. I didn't even know they did it online. I'll have to look into that. Nursing definetly has it's benefits. Yea for extra points!! Hope your week is great.

  4. Great job on your habits. Labeling the games is an excellent idea. Hope it helps!

    I'm also counting points for WW, but have gone over my limit quite a few times. It is just so hard to cut back on the good (not necessarily good for you) stuff.

    Good luck with your habits!

  5. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Congratulations on a job well done! It's hard to keep games and dvds in the right cases when little paws are involved, huh? Good luck with WW...I've been thinking of joining the online version myself. I have such little willpower when it comes to food!

  6. Sounds like you did good this week! I am thinking of joining the online WW after I have my baby. So they let you join even if you are nursing??

    I bet your hair is cute, the picture of Heidi is a very cute "do".

    Have a great weeek!

  7. Good for you Kassie! Where did you find your containers for the games?

    That is awesome on recording your stuff for WW! I have written what I've eaten before and it does really make you watch what you eat much closer.

    Keep up the good work!

  8. Oh please share a picture of your new haircut. I'd love to see it!!

  9. Kassie, great idea to label all those boxes and good job keeping track of your points! I did WW 7 years ago and it worked as long as I kept writing everything down. If I didn't write things down then I struggled.

    I want to see a photo of your cute short hair cut!
