Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Well, I was supposed to check in on Sat and update on my SMART goals, but I had the stomach bug thing going on and I didn't even get dressed. Which is really sad considering that it was Soren's first birthday. Curtis, of course, stepped in and handled everything for the celebration along with feeding the kids and catching up the laundry. I don't know how I got so lucky to have him for a husband.

Soren's birthday was fun. He wasn't much interested in opening more presents, but had fun with the new toys once he saw them. He was not shy about digging right into his first taste of cake and ice cream. He really liked the cake and had it everywhere. He also had his first taste of rootbeer and his first rootbeer float at Great Grandma's for FHE last night. That was a hit. He is growing up so fast, I can't keep him little long enough. He has gotten his two top centrals in the last week. He is starting to assert his wishes and flops when he doesn't get what he thinks is necessary at the moment. He loves to sing and clap and play hide and seek with anyone who will play. Cambria and Sadie probably have the easiest time getting him to laugh. He goes in for his 12 mo dr visit on Thurs.

I called and made an appt to chop off my hair on Fri. I am so excited. I tried to grow it out to see what it would look like and I just feel frumpy when I look at myself in the mirror. I liked it short and sassy. So off it comes.

I am making small amounts of progress in my goals. I have organized the game closet, put all the tiny baby clothes and stuff in a labeled bin and put it in the storage room and out of my closet. I cleaned up the toy basket in the living room and made room for the toys in Soren's cupboard by his bed.....I joined WW online today and will attempt to get back to my 'goal' weight. I want to lose a few #s before starting to run again so that my knees won't hurt so bad. I have been thinking of other things to add to my list of 'life/survival skills' to learn. That's about the extent of it, but I feel like I've accomplished a lot already and I guess that if I can feel enthusiastic about it, for me, that's 90% of the battle.


  1. It sounds like you've had a great and not so great week! I'm glad you're feeling better and that you found the time to post. You have accomplished a lot. Keep it up!

    We were busy moving into our new house around the time of my baby's first birthday so we didn't have her party until a month later. She didn't seem to mind one bit!

    See you saturday!

  2. It sounds like you are making progress, and that is all that matters. And if you are mostly pleased with yourself, then that is great :) !!

    Have fun at your haircut tomorrow!

  3. I am so proud of you for accomplishing some of your goals. I can feel your enthusiasm. Happy Birthday to Soren. So cute that he likes rootbeer floats.
