Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Thanksgiving-St. George style

We had a fabulous time in St. George at Ben and Wendy's new home for Thanksgiving. We were sad that Grandpa wasn't with us, and wished that Karla's family, Jordan and Lindsey, Ford and Shiala and Aysha could have joined us. They were definitely in our thoughts. 
The Crane's new house is spacious and has plenty of room for all. The stairs spent the weekend being a car ramp, the trailer outside (belongs to Ben's parents) became the movie theatre and the kitchen became the main gathering place to visit and eat. Along with Thanksgiving dinner we did some other fun activities.
We went and played pickleball. Never heard of it? We hadn't either, but it's fun and great for all ages.
We went to the indoor aquatic center and let the kids swim. Even my swimming-hating kids got it and had a bit of fun. 
We (adults) went to the temple and it was marvelous to be there together. Beautiful building. My first time in it.
We all went to the glitter pits just southeast of St. George over the stateline in AZ. What a kids' paradise! And a geologist's. Also got a bit of shooting in while out in the desert.
After a fun filled weekend we headed home after sacrament meeting. It was hard to go and know that it will be a long time before we see the Crane's again. It was hard to get back in the car, knowing the length of the coming drive. But we were thankful to have been able to be there to have those moments together and make memories to carry us through. It's all about family!

The teen/tween crowd gathered around watching a little Studio C.
Lobster Bisque!
Lounging and visiting at Wendy and Ben's new home in Little Valley/St. George.
Ariel, Corbin, Stewart on the floor and Stacy.

More loungers....Grandma B, Wendy and Ben.

Those who missed out on the comfy chairs...
Montana and Curtis

The nightly plank session...Nutsorama.
Clockwise from top left-Stewart, Stacy, Wendy, Tilly, Montana, Ben.

The dinner preparation. I love that all the men got involved. Ben deep-fried a turkey, Curtis made the mashed potatoes and Stewart did the sweet potatoes/yams. Not like any Thanksgiving I remember where my mom did ALL the work.

Better lighting...

Showing off our fine china (and Mom's delicious rolls). Smart move to use disposable dishes.
Clean up was easy and quick. Let the naps begin.

Just photo evidence of all the smart-phoning going on. 

Even Grandma got in on it. Thankfully this was an isolated incident. We really did spend time talking and enjoying each other's company. Ben and Wendy were terrific hosts and we had a great time. 

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