Sunday, November 16, 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween was a simple affair this year. Since the school has stopped having a carnival on Halloween day, it surely eases up the schedule on that day. We had planned to go to the Harvest Festival on the Saturday before Halloween that is sponsored by the school and the city, but when it came down to it the kids didn't really want to go and I wasn't about to force them to go. We all know how much I "love" Halloween anyway. We then decided to have our own little carnival here and had plans to do it on Halloween afternoon after school. But then a football game was scheduled for that afternoon and it preempted our carnival. Oh, well. Best laid plans of mice and men.....
We did do our traditional little jack-o-lantern pizzas and then dressed the boys up and sent them out around the neighborhood with Montana. They each got a little load of candy in their buckets and it was enough to tide them over while we watched 'The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" to end the evening.

Fix It Felix aka James
I splurged a little bit this year and let the two older boys get store bought costumes from the thrift store. They were both new and can be used year-round since they are not Halloween specific costumes. Sadie helped James with his costume and I think it turned out super cute.
Darth Vader aka Charles
Power Ranger aka Soren
Ready to go trick-or-treating

making little Jack 0 Lantern pizzas...

Soren must be related to his Grandpa Barton...

Hannah had to cheer at the quarterfinal football game and they all dressed up as zombie cheerleaders...

Good Things:
Helpful older sisters and brothers who lighten mom and dad's load...
It was not too cold this snow
We don't get many trick-or-treaters since we live on the edge of town, so we don't have to buy a ton of candy....

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