Sunday, December 13, 2015

Welch Bowlfest

Since we rearranged the addition again, the kids have rediscovered the Wii and have been playing it quite a bit. James often plays it while everyone else is at school and has become quite good at bowling. He and Charles challenged the rest of us to a bowling match, so on Saturday, after everyone got their work done, we had a bowling party. (It's a lot cheaper bowling on the Wii!)

Dad said that he would buy a candy for anyone who could beat his score. That got everyone excited and competitive.
Dad showing off his technique

didn't seem to work very well though

those waiting for their turn kept themselves occupied with other games...

Charles' technique. What he calls "straighting it". It actually worked quite a bit of the time for him.

Of course, Hannah's technique would look like dancing.

Sadie has a mean curve to her technique

looks like it wasn't effective this time...

I try to use the same technique I learned when I was in 4th grade and learned to bowl at our local bowling alley.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

When all was said and done, everyone had earned a candy, courtesy of Dad. He doesn't practice enough! ;) We all went to the store and got a sweet treat, although the best part was playing together and having a lot of fun as a family!

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