Monday, July 29, 2013

My baby girl is 12, gulp........

I remember when I was expecting Sadie and I thought she was my last baby. I thought about the future and what I'd do with my time when she was in school and I'd have days to myself and when she'd be a young woman and how all my children would be almost grown up....

Well, she has gone and turned 12 and while she is almost grown up, I'm sure glad I still have three little boys at home to keep me company and keep me busy. 

I think Sadie has been waiting for this day for a long time, watching both of her sisters enter YW and go to Mutual while she stayed home with the boys, watching them get to go to High School activities while she stayed home with the boys. It's got to be hard to be the youngest sister....
Nice bowling technique!
Not all her waiting days are over, but she has finally hit the milestone of 12 years. A few weeks before her actual birthday she had her ears pierce by Aunt Wendy before the Crane's moved to St. George. That was also a milestone in Sadie's life.
Annsheri, Journey, and Sadie
To celebrate with friends this year Sadie decided she'd like to go bowling at the new bowling alley in Blanding. She took her good friends, Journey and Annsheri with her and they sure had a good time. Sadie was the only one who chose not to use the bumpers and needless to say, her score was not as high as theirs. That didn't bother her, she was just happy to share this day with her buddies.
Bowling Beauties!
Annsheri, Journey and Sadie
Someone always has to photobomb!
On her birthday, she helped make her own cake and we invited Grandma over to help celebrate.
Sadie and her yummy Cinnamon Swirl cake!

The celebrating crew-Dad, Grandma, Soren, James, Sadie(hiding of course!), Hannah, Cambria and Charles.
We feel so blessed to have Sadie in our family. She is a diligent student, good helper in the kitchen, a tease of a big sister, and tries very hard to do the right thing. We look forward to the milestones she will hit in the future, to see who she becomes. So fun to watch my girls become capable women who strive to be the best they can be.

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