Saturday, March 10, 2007

What a lllooooooooooooong Week!

Man, am I glad this one's over. Feels like Monday was about a month ago.

In relation to SHS, it was not a very productive week. My baby started with stomach flu type stuff on Sunday and it peaked on Wed when he absolutely could not keep anything down. Fortunately, C got home that night and we were able to give him a blessing(in our church we administer to the ill through the power of the priesthood for healing) and he's been on the mend since then. Then on Thursday, my oldest daughter came down with it and is only feeling better today. And today my youngest daughter woke up with pinkeye. I'm so tired of cranky, sick kids.

But, I did read to my baby this week. Or at least I tried. He is not very interested in letting me read the words on the page, so we mostly just looked at pictures very quickly as he turned the pages.

On the organizational front: I did something today that I've wanted/needed to do for years. I went through a huge container of old cards and letters and grouped them accordingly. I found a very large stack of letters from my mom to me from when I was first married and having kids. She doesn't write much now, but I'm going to put them in order by date and put them in sheet protectors and into an album. I think it will serve as a type of journal. Also going to do the same with the letters from my late grandmother. It was truly a trip down memory lane today.
I also cleared off a large stack of things that needed to be filed.

Prayer: Don't know why I still struggle so much with this one. Still keeping it on my list to do.

Weight loss: Ever since I put my foot down about counting points, nothing has seemed to be so necessary to eat that I just HAVE to HAVE IT RIGHT NOW. Thanks to Lara, I bought the book Intuitive Eating and I'm studying it. I really like many of the things I'm reading and it's amazing how many of the behaviors and thought patterns that they talk about fit me. I did exercise 3X this week, even if one was very short and sweet, I'm still counting it!

Earlier Bedtime: This is becoming easier for me, but still not quite a habit.

My new habit to work on for this week is to wash the pots and pans before going to bed each night so that my sink area is clean! I procrastinate this so badly, that usually they all sit there til there is absolutely not a clean pan to be used.

There, that's it for this week.


  1. I hope your little one is all better now. I am impressed that you were able to get anything done while enduring that.

    I am excited to get Intuitive Eating. I have it on hold at the library.

    Have a good week!

  2. I think that babies come with the intuitive eating gene and we are trained to forget it. Lara (the lazy organizer) is going to loan me her extra copy. Maybe getting back to the gym would help also!
