Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our family grows again

Friday, February 15, was the wedding day of Michael Ford Welch and Shiala Noelle Steck. It was a simple ceremony at Shiala's ward building performed by her bishop. They didn't want to make a big deal of it, yet the room was almost filled with people who love them and came to support them making this commitment to each other.
We are so happy to have Shiala join our family. She is very sweet and we love her.
We wish them a lifetime of love and joy. We pray that they will love each other and put one another's happiness before their own. We pray that they will turn to each other rather than away from each other when those inevitable, difficult times come. We pray they will turn together to the Lord for the strength to keep moving forward together.

Mr. and Mrs. Ford Welch

caught us off guard....

that's a bit better!
Curtis, Kassie, Ford, Shiala, Candy(Shiala's mom)

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