Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day 2016

Father's Day fell on the weekend between getting back from Bear Lake and heading off to Trek. 
This year I had each of the kids fill out a questionnaire about their dad. The answers were very funny and it was fun to see what each child thought about their dad. We made Curtis a lemon Bundt cake and gave him the questionnaires to read. 
I had written their answers down and left off the names and addresses and Curtis had to guess which child's paper he was reading. It was a lot of fun and he said he learned some new things about himself. And that perhaps his kids don't know him very well. :)
I hope my children realize and recognize how blessed they are to have the father they have. He is a great father and his greatest concern has always been the eternal welfare of his children. 

Curtis reading what the kids thought about him

Hannah's funniest answer - my dad can "mop things up"
I loved her picture of her and her dad, she does his beard.

Soren's funniest answer - Curtis learned his favorite colors are black and orange. not.

Sadie's funniest answer - my dad can 'open pickle jars' (Truth!)

James' funniest answer - when I asked him his age, he answered 5-4-3-2-1.

Charlie's funniest answer - my dad can 'work more' (oh, goodie)

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