Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas 2015

Everyone was so excited for Christmas to finally get here! We hosted a Christmas Eve dinner at our house with Grandma and Hugh and Karla, Jim, Allie and Peyton. We decided to have Mexican food for dinner and we had a taco/nacho bar and Karla brought enchiladas. It was yummy. I like to do Mexican food on Christmas Eve, it reminds me of our years in Arizona.
Kami and Grandpa
After everyone else left, we did our traditional Sibling Gift Exchange present opening.
James-a new slinky

Kami: has no siblings but got new pjs.

Charles-new Minion shirt

Soren in a Jedi robe

Perfect-new Star Wars shirt

Sadie-nail goodies 

Hannah-nail art kits

Ford really wanted Curtis to open the gift they gave him. Shiala wrapped each item individually.  :)

Oh, my.

Apple beer and a new hat that say Best Grandpa Ever. 

This is my favorite Christmas picture. I love to think that that sweet, wrinkled forehead baby is the way to Peace.

after all the festivities, we put out some cookies for Santa and Charles decided to write him a note
about the location of the milk. So cute!

after everything was put out, but before the kids dove in
Santa fills the stockings and leaves them around the room. It's always the first thing to check. He went a bit overboard on the candy this year. Hope he's going to help with any dental bills….
James…Doing his best picture face.

Charles ever so excited about all the sweet stuff. He has a bit of a sweet tooth.

Soren was very happy to have a giant Hershey's bar.

Sadie and her favorite flavor Pringles

Nina got a big box of Bottle-caps. 

And Hannah loves Sweet Stripes soft candy canes...

Now it's time to pass out all the gifts and prepare to open them…
(see the bags of cereal in the middle? Santa left that as well. We should be set for the break for breakfast!)

Jame got a Pokemon watch
We start with the youngest who opens a gift first, then the next person and so on, then back to the youngest who opens another gift and so it goes until everything is open.

We had a lovely bit of new white snow. Thankful we didn't have to go anywhere.

Soren inspecting a gift...

I made some Christmas bags years ago. They are so nice to put boxes in. Saves on paper waste.

She's so excited to have gotten some grocery sacks...

but underneath the bags was a ukulele

Hannah got her own flat iron

I found a great deal on Lego mini figures on Amazon. So I put them all in a bag and we played Greed with them. That way there was good-natured fighting over who got what one. They just all belong to the family. After we played a couple of times, we allowed them to go put them together.

Our family gift this year was new Wiimotes, a new charger and several new games. The girls were pretty excited about the Dance game. It was fun to watch them play.

It took awhile to put together 30 mini figures. 

They really like the song from Aladdin...

We also got a Battleship game. The boys had requested it.

Ford, Shiala and Kami came over in the afternoon. Sadie tried out some of her new polishes on Kami.

She wasn't too sure about it and only lasted long enough to do one hand.

Christmas is a magical time. I hope that the traditions we have will help my kids remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas. I am so thankful for my Savior. If he was not who He said he was and did not do what He did, we would have no reason to celebrate Christmas at all.

But He was and He did. 

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