A few weeks ago I posted a quote by Emma McKay that I had found. A couple of people asked me where I had gotten that quote.
It is taken from a talk given by Sis. McKay at BYU on April 12, 1952. I checked on Ebay and you can buy a copy of the pamplet of that speech for about $50. Gulp!
Or, you can do what I did and head to your nearest D.I. (Deseret Industries=Goodwill type thrift store) and pick up a copy of the book titled Motherhood - A Partnership with God.
A few years back I was going through a particularly hard time and wondering why God was picking on me. I was reading and praying alot to understand my role as a wife and mother and while at D.I. one day this book caught my eye so I picked it up. It is a compilation of quotes, articles and speeches from prophets and others notable Church leaders. It was published in 1956, by Harold Lundstrom and Bookcraft Publishers. I skimmed through it and read through the table of contents and it looked interesting so I shelled out my $2 and brought it home. I did not read all of it at that time, just some parts that seemed to pertain to what I felt was my problem. In the past few months I've picked it up again and am going through it and I'm LOVING it. I know, it's old and those people(men) don't understand about being a woman and life is so different now. . . . What I'm finding is that the things in it are speaking to my heart and it is answering with such peaceful feelings about the path I've chosen.
I've learned for myself that the words of the prophets have no expiration date on them and are just as applicable now as they were when they were spoken. I have found much peace in my life as I have tried to align my life with those teachings and counsel. This book has helped me and encouraged me.
Thank you!