Joists are in!
We have floor joists. Soon we will have subfloor and that will require that we quickly put up walls and roof to protect it from the rain/snow to keep it from warping. Hoorah!
Went to the library today for the first time in a long time. We have had another book disappear on us and I was dreading paying for it. I wonder how many other people have 'Bermuda Triangles' in their homes. Things just vanish.....POOF!
I raided the home organization section. Still collecting ideas. Last week I got to peek into Stacy Julian's life and home and was I ever inspired. I have always admired her, she is so dynamic, and it was so cool to see how she does all that she does. How she organizes her home, her family, her work and her life. I have so many ideas floating in my head. Now the trick is to put them into practice. As I have thought about it, I think that any system of organization only works as well as the people who use it. I can go about my house organizing to my heart's delight but if my kids won't participate, it won't do much good. But I am determined to try. I believe there are a few things I can personally do to help make our home and my life run a little more efficiently and allow me time to accomplish some of the 'fun' things I want to do, like scrapbook my kids/ancestors' histories and do some painting/home decor stuff. For me, the critical part is actually doing! I'm a great thinker of things and gatherer of information, but terrible when it comes to putting into practice those thoughts/ideas. It's my perfectionist tendencies. 'It might not look right!" Well anything would be better than nothing which is what we've got at the moment.
I need to work on this too....desperatly infact! I totally agree that you need willing family members on board. I have faith in you! You CAN do this...Heck...I CAN do this too! :o)