Saturday, February 09, 2008


Yesterday we finally got a big enough break in the weather to get the trusses up that will form the roof of our new carport. This house has had a single car, flat-roofed, tacked on carport and it is SOOOOOO ugly. Plus it has started to leak in the last year, so we decided that part of finishing up the addition would be to put up a new carport that would just extend the house's roofline over the driveway and have it look like it is actually part of the house design and not an afterthought. The new carport will be higher, wider and longer and we will also extend the shed roof part at the front of it west to make a new porch roof as well. It will allow us to have a bigger porch and possibly even a fun bench or chairs on it. Next week we will get to strip off all five layers of old shingles and redo the entire roof. A prayer for nice sunny days would be appreciated.

C and I also took time today to step into what will become the girls new room and pin down the location of the closet. I wanted to give them a big walk in closet with plenty of space for their clothing and stuff, so that we won't need dressers and any other type of flat surface in their room to collect junk. Now C can put the can lights in and we can frame the wall between the storage room and the girls room as well as their closet. Each day we get a bit closer to having this space be usable. I'm not sure I'll know what to do when that becomes our reality. On the other hand, I'm sure I'll have no trouble adjusting to having that much more space....


  1. How exciting! Remodeling is a huge mess while it's going on but the rewards are that much better when it's done.

  2. Yeah for progress!! I really like the no dresser thing too. Connor and Genna still have them, but Jameson, Troy and I have enough space in our closets to fold everything on shelves- which is much easier!
