Saturday, November 03, 2007

SMART... again.

Doing fairly well on most of my habits, prayer is about 80%, study time 50% and school start time about 75%. Still need to work on them, but they are starting to become more habitual.

As I sit here thinking about what habit I'd like to add to my list, I keep going back to the ones I was trying to establish earlier in the year. The one that keeps coming to mind is not one that I had much success with, but I think it is very important so I'm going to make another attempt at it. I have been much too lazy about recording transactions in my checkbook. I just keep stashing those receipts in my purse til they start to take it over, then I shove them in the top drawer of my dresser. And when I finally make myself sit down and record them, it takes FOREVER!!

If I can take a couple of minutes each day to record the transactions of the last 24 hours, there won't be any more marathon sessions.
My habits:

Daily a.m. prayer ~ Still needs work, doing better though
Study Time ~ Make an appt for it and put it on the calendar, tell family I have appt.
Consistent start for school ~ remind girls of our routine and set example myself.
Daily checkbook recording ~ get checkbook up to date and keep it there.

For more about SHS, check Lara out over at The Lazy Organizer.


  1. Just wanted to put in a small plug for Microsoft Money. It is the only thing that keeps me sane when it comes to finances. (But it does require the habit of sitting down to enter them, which is where I run into problems too!)

    Have a great week!

  2. I agree with courtcourt above, I love Microsoft Money. But instead of entering in all of entries, I download them from the bank I use, Bank of America, and then just compare them with my receipts to make sure they are correct. It makes life a lot easier for me.

  3. I'm loving your routines. You are really doing well....and just think of all the blessings you will gain from this. :o)
