Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Why does it always happen? Ok, well, not always, but it does often.

There have been so many times when my dear hubby has been out of town and I have been so sick I can't keep up with anything, including the kids. This last time we all were feeling cruddy, so thankfully they were pretty easy to keep up with. The house got trashed, but we took care of that when we all got feeling a bit better. And thank goodness it was just colds/sinus stuff not the intestinal kind of sick.

I remember a time a few years back when DH was gone to Scout Camp and we all came down with stomach flu. It was not pretty! There were not enough toilets to go around! The weirdest part was that my BIL was in town for some work stuff and stopped by to visit. I sat in the living room talking to him, but had to excuse myself every so often to go heave. If I had been him, I would have run screaming from the house.

Every time this happens, it makes me wish all the more that my mom lived close by. I would love to call her and say, "Can you watch the kids for me for a couple of hours, so I can get an uninterrupted nap?" In all my married life, I've never had that luxury. Guess I just had to learn to buck up and deal with it, like it or not.

1 comment:

  1. Well, this was awhile ago, so hope it wasn't too bad for ya. I've barely been able to breathe the last month - so much going on! The scooter pics are darling! :)
